Want to get the best pricing for registration at this summer’s 2022 Healthy Soil Summit event? Then be sure to sign up by end of day on Wednesday, April 13, which is our earliest bird deadline.
The Healthy Soil Summit is a 2-day event of workshops led by farmers and farming experts. This year it will take place Aug. 2-3 in Sacramento, California. Learn practical, applicable soil health management techniques alongside a network of your peers.
Learn more about the Healthy Soil Summit here. Register for the event here.
Keynote: Rick Clark
Our keynote presentation will be delivered by Rick Clark, an organic no-till farmer who has decades of experience. Rick has developed – and is constantly improving – a systematic approach to regenerative farming.

In his presentation – titled “Regenerative Organic Stewardship With No Tillage” – Rick will share his incredible experience transitioning his large-scale conventional system to no-till organic.
Who Should Attend
The Healthy Soil Summit, started in 2019, is an essential learning and networking experience for farmers and ranchers, from conventional to organic. Attendees just starting their soil health program or advanced in their programs will leave with a better understanding of the key principles and techniques being used by top world’s soil health managers.

Our workshops and farm tours, led by real-world farmers and ranchers, will help increase your operation’s resilience to weather and climate, while decreasing the need for fertilizers and inputs, and creating a more desirable product to sell to today’s consumer.
Stay Informed
Stay up to date on the latest info about Healthy Soil Summit agenda and speaker updates, as well as educational opportunities from Acres U.S.A. all year long. Sign up for our Weekly Digest: News & Announcements newsletter right here!