This month, we’re focused on the theme of perennial crops – when, where and why to plant them, the benefits of having them as a part of your operation, and more.
Here is a list of resources for learning about perennial cropping, no matter if you’re just beginning to add them to your farm, are already in the process, or looking to optimize your soil health even further.
On the Page
We have a number of written resources available when it comes to finding out information about perennial crops and permaculture techniques. To start, the Acres U.S.A. Bookstore has a Perennial Crops Collection with various titles related to these topics. They include:
Check out the full Perennial Crop Bookstore Collection here.
The May 2022 Acres U.S.A. magazine issue has all of our latest articles on perennial cropping, including an interview with Tessa Peters, plus an article by Restoration Agriculture author Mark Shepard. You can buy a print copy, a digital copy, or sign up for a monthly Acres U.S.A. subscription.
On the Screen
As always, you can find lots of free articles on our website. Several articles pertaining directly to perennial cropping and permaculture include:
- Using Ancient and Perennial Grains to Build Soil Health by Allie Hymas
- Permaculture Design Starts with Water by Mary Ann Lieser
- ‘City Kids’ Meld Permaculture, Biodynamics and Common Sense at Perennial Roots Farm by Leigh Glenn
Learn at your own pace with our Eco-Ag U Online courses. You can view our full course catalog here, but if you’re interested particularly in perennial crops and permaculture, you can start here:

Short Course: Basics of Practical Permaculture for Farmers
Learn the key terms and basic principles of farm-scale permaculture and agroforestry from Mark Shepard, a Wisconsin farmer who has converted a worn-out farm into a showcase of perennial polyculture.
In-Depth Course: Practical Permaculture and Agroforestry for Farmers
Learn how to pivot your farm into a diversified, resilient polyculture with tree crops, livestock, fruits and vegetables, and more, from restoration agriculture specialist Mark Shepard.
In the Field
What better place to learn about perennial – or any – crops than in the very field they’re grown? At the On-Farm Intensive event this summer, you can walk the fields of Otter Creek Organic Farm with famed biological farmer Gary Zimmer.
Spend two full days face-to-face with the experts in a small group setting, and come away with a full 360-degree experience more valuable than any textbook learning. The event runs August 22-23 in Lone Rock, Wisconsin. Learn more about it here.