This month, we’re focusing on the topic of Seeds. Because without seeds – where would we be? These small containers of organic potential are the starting process of growing healthy, nutritious crops and maintaining a healthy soil, healthy livestock and healthy humans!
Here is a list of helpful resources to improve your education, planning and knowledge around seeds:
Best Books on Seeds

- Starting Seeds: How to Grow Healthy, Productive Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers from Seed by Barbara Ellis – Expert gardener Barbara Ellis provides the basic information that you need and teaches you foolproof starting techniques for a variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers.
- Seed to Seed by Suzanne Ashworth – This popular book provides a complete seed-saving guide describing specific techniques for saving the seeds of 160 vegetables. Detailed information on each vegetable includes: botanical classification, flower structure and pollination, isolation distance, population size, caging or hand pollination, and proper methods to grow, harvest, dry, clean and store seeds.
- The Garden Seed Saving Guide by Jill Henderson – Longtime organic gardener Jill Henderson explains which seeds save best, hand-pollination techniques for beginners, the right way to harvest, clean and store seeds at home, and more.
Find even more great reading resources, including our Book of the Month, in the Seeds Collection at the Acres U.S.A. Bookstore.
Best Information on Seeds
Every month, the Acres U.S.A. Magazine delivers educational, in-depth articles on a wide variety of topics related to ecological, economical agriculture. January’s monthly topic is nearly always seeds, which means the recent January issues contain a wealth of knowledge on seeds from an eco-agriculture perspective.

January 2023 issue articles include:
- Re-Thinking Seed Models interview with Ido Tal
- Nitrogen-Fixing Corn by Walter Goldstein
- …. and more!
Get the print version here, or the PDF version here. Subscribe here for the best deal on receiving Acres U.S.A. Magazine every month!
January 2022 issue articles include:
- Seed Salvation by Allie Hymas
- Modernizing Hay by Anneliese Abbott
- … and more!
Get the print version here, or the PDF version here. Subscribe here!
Find more past issues of Acres U.S.A. magazine at the Acres U.S.A. Bookstore: Print and Digital.
Best Free Articles on Seeds
Our free website,, is a great resource for in-depth articles on all kinds of topics related to organic, eco-agriculture. Some of our popular articles specifically about seeds include:

- Choosing Seeds for Your Forage by Dr. Harold Willis
- Seeds of Strength by Tracy Frisch
- Rediscovering the Lost Art of Saving Seeds by Jill Henderson
- Bonus: Free downloadable resource: Guide to Selecting Hemp Seeds
Find more educational articles on the site in the Build Soil Health, Grow Crops and Raise Healthy Livestock sections.
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