We’ve got a new podcast series for you to listen to – the FarmTogether Investing Podcast – brought to you by a partnership between FarmTogether, a unique investment company focused on sustainability, and Acres U.S.A., the Voice of Eco-Agriculture.
This 3-part podcast series enables listeners a chance to better understand how farmland investing is changing, its strength as an investment vehicle and its importance in our sustainability conversations. Each episode will tackle a different element that is important to the series mission as shared by farmland investment insiders Artem Milinchuk, Jason Kosareff, and David Chan.
Farmland isn’t a new asset class, but many of us haven’t heard of it and this series will explain why that is and how farmland can add to your investment portfolio without breaking the bank, and what this looks like in the future. The series will also explore how technology can help with farmland operations, what the biggest threats are and how these types of investments can help drive sustainability.
Learn more about the series, and listen to its engaging episodes, at www.FarmTogetherFarmlandInvestingPodcast.com.
Episode 1 – Accessing the Inaccessible
In this episode, Acres U.S.A. General Manager Ryan Slabaugh interviews FarmTogether CEO and founder Artem Milinchuk about new ways to invest in farmland.

They promote themselves as working “to ensure peace and plenty by investing in the sustainable agricultural revolution.”
Learn how farmland can add to your investment portfolio, how you can invest without breaking the bank, and what this looks like in the future. Listen to episode 1 here.
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