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Our Top Arbor Day Resources

Today – Friday, April 30, 2021 – is Arbor Day! We have a number of books that will interest anyone who wants to learn more about trees – plus you can take 15% off everything in the collection! Take a look at these tree-related titles:


Drawing on hard science and real practical experience gained from thirty years of tree growing on his own farm, the author shows how planting, managing and harvesting trees can lock up atmospheric carbon, control soil erosion, improve water quality, increase agriculture production and enhance biodiversity, while also offering landholders a financial reward and the satisfaction of growing their own timber. 

Learn more about Heartwood here!

Trees of Power

Trees of Power explains how we can work with these arboreal allies, specifically focusing on propagation, planting, and individual species. Author Akiva Silver is an enthusiastic tree grower with years of experience running his own commercial nursery. In this book he clearly explains the most important concepts necessary for success with perennial woody plants. 

Learn more about Trees of Power here!

Growing Conifers

Growing Conifers is an essential, comprehensive resource for gardeners and landscape professionals looking to develop beautiful, sustainable landscapes. Conifers are often overlooked in gardening and landscaping in favor of deciduous trees and shrubs. Yet conifers come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and offer tremendous aesthetic and ecological benefits for any garden.

Learn more about Growing Conifers here!

Grow a Little Fruit Tree

Grow your own apples, figs, plums, cherries, pears, apricots, and peaches in even the smallest backyard! Expert pruner Ann Ralph reveals a simple yet revolutionary secret that keeps an ordinary fruit tree much smaller than normal. These great little trees take up less space, require less care, offer an easy harvest, and make a fruitful addition to any home landscape.

Learn more about Grow a Little Fruit Tree here!


In this how-to guide, ecologist and forest farmer Steve Gabriel explores the philosophy and techniques behind silvopasture – integration of tress, animals, and forages in a whole-system approach that creates a number of benefits for live-stock, farmer, and the environment. This system not only provides a sustainable farm income, but also holds the key to restoring land, building soil carbon, and creating climate resilience. 

Learn more about Silvopasture here!

Browse our full Arbor Day Collection to see everything we have to offer.