ROCKY FORD, CO. – Soil health will once again be the focus for the 2nd regional event in a series put on by Acres U.S.A. and the Colorado Department of Agriculture. A part of the Colorado STAR program, these events are designed to bring healthy soil practices to the forefront and offer useful, practical education to farmers and growers.
This event – Approaches to Soil Health and Water – will take place on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023, in Rocky Ford, Colorado. It is free to attend, and will include sessions by soil health practitioners, program updates, and a panel discussion with local farmers and ranchers implementing new practices to support soil health. Hosted locally by the West Otero Timpas Conservation District. Register here.

Join us at 8 a.m. at the Agricultural Experiment Station at Rocky Ford, CO.
The agenda will include:
- Welcome – Acres U.S.A., Cindy Lair (Program Manager, CO Conservation Board) and Jack Goble (Lower Ark CD)
- Overview of the Drought Situation – Kevin Rein (State Engineer, Colorado Dept. of Water Resources)
- New Scientific Perspectives and Practice Insights – Meagan Schipanski (Assoc. Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University) and Erik Wardle (Program Manager, Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University)
- The Nexus Between Soil Health and Water Quality/Quantity – moderated by Kenan Diker (Specialist, CDPHE)
- Practitioner Panel – with local producers Phillip Chavez, Dereck White Heckman, Joe Hilger, Riley May, and Eric Tucker
- Roundtable Discussions
- … and more!
Register today to attend this free event. Registration ahead of time is required to secure your spot and lunch choices.
More Soil Health Resources
- See photos from and learn about the first Colorado STAR event – which took place August 2022 in Monte Vista, Colorado, here.
- Learn more about the Colorado STAR program at the state website here.
- View the first of several soil health educational primers from Acres U.S.A. here.
- Stay up to date on the latest education in regenerative agriculture by signing up for the Acres U.S.A. email newsletter list here.