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Gary Zimmer

Gary Zimmer

Gary Zimmer has been speaking at the Eco-Ag Conference for more than 25 years, and attending for almost 40. As the founder of Midwestern BioAg

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John Fagan

John Fagan

Dr. John Fagan is Chairman and Chief Scientist at Health Research Institute (, a 501(c)(3) non-profit researching the links between (a) regenerative agricultural practices, (b)

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David Knaus

Kris Nichols

Dr. Kris Nichols, an experienced speaker and teacher, is a leader in the movement to regenerate soils for healthy food, people and a planet. Her

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Don Huber

Don Huber

Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University, has filled classrooms for years at Eco-Ag Conferences. Attendees will learn from his 55 years of researching the

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